Lash Growth Cycle
The average adult typically has 100 - 250 eyelashes in the upper lid and 35 - 70 eyelashes in the lower lid. Your lashes not only frame the eye aesthetically, but filter out foreign objects to protect your eyes. All hair follows a three phase growth cycle- Anagen, Catagen & Telogen, which lasts from eight to twelve weeks.
I. Anagen Phase: The Anagen phase is the Growth phase, when lashes are actively growing and lasts from 30-45 days. Only about 40% of upper and 15% of lower lashes are in the Anagen phase at any time. Each lash will grow to a specific length then stop.
II. Catagen Phase: The Catagen phase is the transition between the growth and resting of the hair follicle. During this time, the lash stops growing and the follicle begins to shrink. If an eyelash falls out, or is plucked out during this phase, regrowth can be delayed. The follicle needs to complete the Catagen phase before the next can begin.
III. Telogen Phase: The Telogen phase is the Resting phase. In this cycle of growth, the lash is retained in the hair follicle as a dead or “club” hair until falling out. Because each individual lash is in its own growth phase, or cycle, it is normal to lose a few lashes to daily.